
The prisons in the United States are not creating fear in the prisoner’s eyes by having an art class and free education which are paid by the tax payer’s money. There are several programs and classes available to prisoners such as Adult Basic Education. ABE programs provide education to individuals who are reading below the ninth grade level. Once they can read at the ninth grade level they can move on to Adult Secondary Education (ASE) classes, which are classes that move toward preparation for the General Educational Development (GED) exams. Also, prisons provide Anger Management classes, Cognitive Self Change classes, Domestic Violence Group one and two, Parenting Class, Sex Offender Treatment and life skill programs.

According to “The New York Times,” in nineteen seventy-five, however, a study of more than two hundred forty such programs concluded that none was truly successful in reducing the rate of repeated offenders.

Art Class?

On the Rhode Island Department of Corrections website it was shown that an art program for the prisoners was established, and they meet once a week for instruction. To share their art work with others, the prison has put on an art show, which Director Randall Rosenbaum states: “It’s a somewhat unique show,” he said of the works by, among others, fifteen convicted murderers, five robbers and five child molesters. “ … Of all the shows, this contains the most powerful work.”

People think that the criminals in high max security prisons are suffering in jail, but in reality they are living in jail. All of these programs are supposed to help deter crime rates but it actually makes the criminals time in jail entertaining.

The Rhode Island Department of Corrections has concluded that “Of the three thousand offenders released from RIDOC, thirty-two percent returned under sentences within 1 year of release. By twenty- four months post-release, forty-six percent had returned under sentence.” These statistics show that being imprisoned with free education, extracurricular activities, gym time, good-tasting meals, social time, and a place to sleep are not punishing these inmates, because if they were being punished enough, then they would not want to end up back in prison.